ECO Mark Scheme

ECO Mark Scheme

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has issued a notification through which the Ministry seeks to encourage demand for eco-friendly products that have less adverse impact on the environment, support the principles of ‘LIFE (Lifestyle for Environment)’, promote low energy consumption, resource efficiency and conservation, circular economy.

Labelling of Eco Mark on products will enable consumers to make informed purchase decisions and also encourage manufacturers to shift to production of eco-friendly products thereby promoting green industries.

ECO Mark may be granted to products which meet specified environmental criteria with regard to resource consumption and environmental impacts, particularly impact on climate change, impact on nature and biodiversity, energy consumption, waste generation, emissions into all environmental media, pollution through physical impacts and use and release of hazardous substances.

Conditions for grant of ECO Mark License

An Ecomark may be granted to a product which has a license or a certificate of conformity of Indian Standards granted under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 and/or a mandate of the Quality Control Orders issued by the Central Government, and fulfils the criteria for grant of Ecomark specified under the corresponding entries under column (3) of the First Schedule.

Criteria for grant of an Ecomark specified under the First Schedule may include the following:

a. reduces the pollution by minimizing or eliminating the generation of waste and environmental emissions.

b. is recyclable or is made from recycled material or both.

c. reduces the use of non-renewable resources, including non-renewable energy sources and natural resources

d. reduces the use of any material, which has adverse impacts on the environment;

While developing criteria for grant of Ecomark to a product, the following may be taken into consideration:

a. production process, including source of raw material.
b. use of natural resources.
c. environmental impact.
d. effect and extent of emissions or waste arising from the production process.
e. disposal of the product and its packaging.
f. compliance with the Guidelines on Extended Producer Responsibility, wherever applicable.
g. utilization of waste and recycled materials.
h. suitability for recycling.
i. use of non-hazardous substances in place of hazardous substances.

Procedure for grant of Ecomark

(1) An application for grant of Ecomark for a product which complies with the conditions under rule 3 shall be made to the Central Pollution Control Board in Form 1.

(2) On receipt of the application, the Central Pollution Control Board shall, by itself or through a Verifier, verify whether the product complies with the conditions under rule 3.

(3) After making such verification under sub-rule (2) as may be necessary, the Central Pollution Control Board shall prepare a report, or in case the verification is done by a Verifier, the Verifier shall prepare a report and submit to the Central Pollution Control Board, within a period of sixty days from the date of such verification.

(4) On receipt of the report, if the Central Pollution Control Board is satisfied that the product complies with the conditions under rule 3. it may grant Ecomark to the product.

(5) The Ecomark granted under sub-rule (4) shall be valid for a period of three years or until change in Ecomark criteria for the product, whichever is earlier.

(6) An application for the renewal of the Ecomark may be made to the Central Pollution Control Board upon its expiry and the provisions of sub-rules (1) to (5) of this rule and rule 3 shall apply.

(7) Every holder of Ecomark shall submit on or before the 31st May of every year, an annual report to the Central Pollution Control Board online through the web portal for the period commencing from the 1 st April of the previous year to the 31st March of succeeding year in respect of the product as per the pro forma, prescribed by CPCB, on the Ecomark portal, and the Central Pollution Control Board shall examine such reports and forward a compilation thereof with their recommendations, if any, to the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change on or before the 31st July of every year.

Cancellation of Ecomark.

  1. If the Central Pollution Control Board is satisfied that the holder of an Ecomark has furnished false information or has willfully concealed any information required to be furnished under these rules, it may, after giving the holder of Ecomark an opportunity to be heard, and by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, suspend or cancel the Ecomark.
  2. The holder of Ecomark, if aggrieved by an order made under sub-rule (1), may prefer an appeal to the Central Government in Form 2 within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of the order of such suspension or cancellation.
  3. The Central Government may entertain an appeal after the expiry of the said period of thirty days, if the holder of Ecomark satisfies the Central Government that he had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal within such period.
  4. The Central Government after giving the holder of Ecomark an opportunity to be heard and after such enquiry, as it deems fit, may make such order as it may consider necessary.

Use of Ecomark

  1. Every person who has been granted an Ecomark in respect of a product shall affix on such product an Ecomark label granted under these rules.
  2. No person shall use the Ecomark on any product unless he has been granted an Ecomark in respect of such product.

Products covered for ECO Mark

  1. Architectural paints and powder coating
  2. Cosmetics
  3. Batteries
  4. Lubrication Oils
  5. Soaps and Detergents
  6. Paper
  7. Food Items
  8. Packaging material/ Package
  9. Electric/ Electronic Goods

10. Food Additives
11. Wood Substitutes
12. Aerosol Propellants
13. Plastic Products
14. Textiles
15. Fire Extinguishers
16. Finished Leather
17. Coir & Coir Products

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